Want to make your own indie comic? Well there's three popular ways to do it, can’t say it’ll be easy though! Can’t help you with creating it though that's on you kid, hope you got a good idea as the biggest thing you’re facing out there is thousands of people just like you with their own stories.
First thing you can do is the easiest way to get the comic out there but the hardest way it’ll get any attention! A webcomic! Online publishing is super easy, heck there's even some websites that do it for you for free. (be careful to check their terms though, don’t want them stealing your IP) But if you learn how to make a website then that's where the fun is, multimedia do all those experimental things you wanna do!
Though one problem is kids, you’re on your own besides that! You gotta advertise the comic yourself and there's thousands online doing the exact same thing as you so you better sell it good!
Not your style huh? Prefer the feel of opening your comic and reading it? Then maybe finding yourself a creator rights publisher, Image comics, Dark horse, there's a lot of companies interested in publishing your comic and not taking it for themselves. Though you know this can’t be free, the publishers got families too, they gotta eat, so you will have to sacrifice some of those profits to the people working with ya! But that's if you even get to publish the thing, they ain’t gonna publish your work if it doesn’t look like it’ll sell, you gotta present yourself and your work in tip top shape. You can’t just go in like a schmuck so trying to sell your first comic will probably get you no letters back, keep this in mind.
Huh you still really want it on print then? Well then you can self-publish it! You get to choose everything: how many you print, paper quality, size, everything! Sounds great doesn’t it, yeah it is for everything but your wallet! I am going to be frank with you, it ain’t cheap nor easy, you either gotta have the tools for yourself or hire a printing service who have strict margins for their printing. Worst of all selling the book is all you, you gotta get the sellers interested or sell it yourself and you have to advertise the damn thing. Its gonna be really hard to get your money back but if you do, it's all you, no middlemen, no restrictions, you own it.
Well that's it, good luck you there!